Hello! It's Sam on this post. I have a couple beers that I will be reviewing.
Nathan and I moved to a really really great neighborhood within trotting distance of some pretty awesome beer selections. We are near Manito Taphouse, The Hop Shop, Super1 Foods (Excellent selection and decent pricing) and Brews On Washington. We have yet to try The Hop Shop but we'll get there.
The Manito Taphouse has an amazing selection and after our misfortune of leaving the Up and Up in Bellingham and moving to the beer desolation that is Spokane Valley, we were happy to find a place such as this place. The two beers I tried there were:
1. Double Dead Guy Ale (Rogue Brewing- Newport, OR)
2. Bitter Root Porter (Bitter Root Brewing- Hamilton, MT)
I might also add that we drank both of those accompanied with yam chips (yes, YAM CHIPS) and a Gorgonzola cream dip that Rogue made. Cain I just say, AMAZING? Not only does Rogue make damn good beer but they make damn good cheese too. You may see us relocate to Portland if I have anything to do with it.
1. Double Dead Guy Ale was strong. Imagine Dead Guy Ale (if you've had it) with about three flavors. The first flavor was good ol' Dead Guy with a syrupy midtaste (I know it sounds disgusting but syrupy was the only way I can describe it) and a smooth finish. It is definitely not a beer to session, but if you're like me, it'll make you a cheap date. I was done pretty well right away. If you're my friend, you'll be on the floor watching top gun in 20 minutes. You know who you are. Would have again.
2. Bitter Root Porter- One of the most unique porters I've had in a while. I was expecting a porter like Black Butte Porter with some substance but it had the consistency of an amber or a red ale with the delicious smokiness of a porter. It was refreshing and delicious. Would have again... many times.
If you're ever in Spokane, I recommend you visit the Manito Taphouse. My only real complaint was that happy hour beer specials weren't as good as they could be. I am hoping that with time, it lowers in price.